- December 03: Afrol News: “ Overfishing behind Ghana’s wildlife decline“
- November 11: VOA News: “Study Links Low West African Fish Supply to increased Bushmeat Hunting” by David McAlary
- November 11: EurekAlert!: “Reduced fish stocks linked to increased bushmeat trade, wildlife declines in W. Africa” by Michelle Cook
- November 11: EurekAlert!: “New study links low fish supply to increased Bushmeat Hunting” by Sarah Yang
- November 11: National Geographic News: “African Bush-Meat Trade Linked to EU Overfishing” by James Owen
- November 08: Ciências: “Não Acredito Que a Pesca, Tal como a Conhecemos. Continue a Existir Daqui a 30 Anos” by Segunda-feira
- October 08: SciDevNet: “ Doom and gloom forecast for global environment” by Mike Shanahany
- October 06: BBC News: “ Deep-sea trawling’s great harm” by Richard Black
- July 20: Environmental News Network: “Whales do not compete with humans for fish, says study” by Robin Pomero
- July 19: BBC News: “Whales ‘absolved’ on fish stocks” by Alex Kirby
- July 17: Yahoo! News: “World’s Appetite for Tuna Threatens Supply” by Mort Rosenblum
- July 14: Environmental News Network:”World’s appetite for tuna poses threat to supply in under-policed seas” by Mort Rosenblum
- July 6: Deep Sea Conservation Coalition Press Release: “Press Conference by Deep Sea Conservation Coalition“
- June 7: World Wildlife Fund: “Conservation coalition seeks UN resolution to halt destruction of deep-sea biodiversity“
- May 17: Spiegel Online: “Robben und Wale konkurrieren nicht mit Fischern“
- April 22: Gara: “Arrantzaleek sare pelagikoen arriskuez ohartarazi dute“
- April 20: Reuters AlertNet: “U.S. oceans report says coastal areas in peril” by Maggie Fox
- April 19: Environmental News Network: “U.S. Must Act Immediately and Decisively on National Oceans Report, Says NRDC”
- April 2: Tidepool: “The Future of World Fisheries” by Illahee
- March 22: Shifting Baselines: “Hollywood Ocean Night“
- February 23: The Tyee: “Farmed Salmon Even Enviros Can Swallow” byJared Ferrie
- February 16: BBC News: “Deep-sea corals protection call” by Jonathan Amos
- February 16: CBC News: “Stop deep-sea trawls to protect coral, scientists urge“
- February 15: EurekAlert: “1,136 scientists call for protection of deep-sea corals“
- January 9: canada.com: “Farmed salmon a health hazard: report” by Tom Spears
Category: Media Coverage
2004 Radio & TV Interviews
May 4 | World Fisheries Congress | Grand Keynote speech (35.9 MB) | Daniel Pauly | 50:23 | Windows Media | |
AM 600 | Rafe Mair Show Part I Part II Part III |
0:15 5:36 5:55 |
Windows Media | |||
Mar 19 | AM 600 | Rafe Mair Show Part I Part II Part III |
5:31 5:56 6:48 |
Windows Media | ||
Jan 12 | ROB TV | SqueezePlay with Amanda Lang and Kevin O’Leary (at 5:30) | Daniel Pauly | 57:29 |
2003 Magazine Coverage
2003 Newspaper Coverage
- December 8: Xinhuanet: “China to punish officials for statistics fraud“
- Fall: El Anzuelo: “Regional and global fish abundance and trends“
- November 21: National Post: “World’s Fish Can Be Gone by 2050“
- November 15: Vancouver Sun: “UBC Professor Honoured“
- November 3: Vancouver Province: “UBC Fisheries Prof Dubbed One to Watch“
- August 24: Edmonton Journal: “The Dead Seas“
- August 17: Montreal Gazette: “Taking Stock“
- August 12: Canwest News Service: “Fisheries expert calls for end of subsidies” by Kevin Dougherty
- August 12: The Globe and Mail: “Trendy seafoods called threat to stocks” by Les Perreaux
- August 12: Montreal Gazette: “Fish stocks need Star Wars defense” by Kevin Dougherty
- August 10: La Presse: “Éliminer les subventions à la pêche” by Judith LaChapelle
- August 10: La Presse: “Les leçons de la morue” by Judith LaChapelle
- August 2: Montreal Gazette: “The Dead Seas: Big fleets, technology, blooming demand for seafood are killing ocean life” by William J. Broad and Andrew C. Revkin
- July 31: International Herald Tribune: “Plumbing the depths, there’s less to plumb” by William J. Broad and Andrew C. Revkin
- July 29: New York Times: “Has the sea giving up its bounty?” by William J. Broad and Andrew C. Revkin
- July 10: Taipei Times: “Declining catches reason for pessimism over fish stocks” by Daniel Pauly
- July 6: Toronto Star: “What happened to Newfoundland’s cod?” by John Spears
- June 5-11: The Best of Monterey County: Dead Sea Scroll” by Andrew Scutro
- May 27: New York Times: “Oceans in Peril“
- Apr 30: Globe and Mail: “The cod’s gone, yet the deadly dragger boats remain” by Mitchell Anderson
- Apr 19: Halifax Herald: “Fishery on edge, says prof” by Kelly Shiers
- Feb 17: La Presse: “Base de données mondiale“
- Feb 17: La Presse: “Le chercheur «prophète» a la passion de l’égalisation“
- Feb 17: La Presse: “Un cri d’alarme pour les poissons de la planète“
- Jan 21: New York Times: “Iconoclast Looks for Fish and Finds Disaster” by Carol Kae Suk Yoon
- Unknown: Nepali Times: “Save the Fish” by Daniel Pauly
2003 Miscellaneous Media
- December 2: UBC Public Affairs: “UBC’s Daniel Pauly will focus debate at 2004 World Fisheries Congress in Vancouver” by Michelle Cook
- November 3: UBC Public Affairs: “Scientific american names fisheries expert Daniel Pauly a world leader in research” by Michelle Cook
- August 11: CBC News: “Marine reserves needed to protect cod stocks: scientist“
- July 14: l’Unità: “Plancton e meduse, il cibo del futuro” by Daniel Pauly; translation by Cristiana Pulcinelli
- June 13: Citizen Review Online: “World Summit on Salmon considers salmon population – Scientists say hard decisions needed to restore numbers” by Jeff Bernard
- June 11: CBC News: “Summit explores ecosystem approach to salmon“
2003 Radio & TV Interviews
Dec 9 | NPR Programming | Shifting Baselines: Opening the Ocean to Minorities with Travis Smiley | Daniel Pauly | 8:33 | Windows Media | |
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Sep 2 | CBC Television | 21-Day fishing trawler chase ends by Eve Savory. Article (HTML) andvideo clip (6.2 MB). | Reg Watson | 2.49 | Windows Media | |
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Aug 19 | CBC Television | Fished Out | Daniel Pauly | HTML | ||
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June 22 | Wisconsin Public Radio | To The Best of Our Knowledge | Daniel Pauly | 52:26 | Real Player | |
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June 9 | Earthwatch Radio | Eating your bait | Daniel Pauly | Real Player | ||
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June 5 | RTÉ News: Prime Time | Controversy continues over the Atlantic Dawn fishing vessel (SAUP work on NW African fisheries covered around the 20 minute mark) | SAUP | 30:13 | Real Player | |
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May 30 | CBC Radio One | Swimming Scallops (13.6 MB) | Rashid Sumaila | 14:06 | Real Player | |
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May 26 | CBC Television | The Nature Audit | Reg Watson | 2:07 | Acrobat Reader | |
May 14 | CBC Television | Fished Out: A new study finds the world has a history of overfishing (PDF article and Real Player clip) | Daniel Pauly | 9:04 | Real Player | |
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March 27 | Sciencentral News | Ocean Fishing Ban | Daniel Pauly | 1:12 | Quicktime file (off site) |
2002 Newspaper Coverage
- Dec 9: LA Times: “Fish farms become feedlots of the sea” by Kenneth R. Weiss
- Dec 4: La Presse: “Zones sinistrées” by Jean-Marc Salvet
- Nov 16: Dagens Nyheter: “Last chance for cod” by Per Snaprud
- Nov 16: Le Soleil/La Presse: “Ultime solution : fermer une partie des océans” by Carl Thériault
- Nov 2: Le Devoir: “Gestion des pêches – Les océans sont-ils au bord de l’abîme?” by Claude Lafleur
- July 24: El Pais: “La pesca destruye la relación entre las especies“ by Alicia Rivera
- July 15: Le Figaro: “L’Europe écume les eaux africaines“, by Yves Miserey
- July 9: European Policy Centre: “Fisheries in trouble“
- July 9: Les Echos: “Le casse-tête de la politique commune de la pêche“ by Anne Bauer
- July 1: Le Soleil: “Surexploitation de nos ressources halieutiques” by Aliou Ba
- June 25: World Wildlife Fund: “The European Union must prevent a catastrophic collapse of West African fish stocks“
- June 25: Le Soleil: “Pêches maritimes, écosystemes et sociétés: le poids d’un demi-siècle de changements” by Moustapha Sene
- May 29: EU Business : “EU’s Fishing Crisis: The dark night of the shoal” by Richard Ingham and Annick Chapoy
- May 24: Green Nature: “Study: China Overreporting Fish Catches” by Stephanie Mann
- May 6: Le Figaro: “Le poisson disparaît de l’Atlantique Nord” by Jean-Michel Bader
- April 17: Worldcatch: “Scientists urge huge reduction in North Atlantic fishing fleet“; Portland Press Herald
- April 10: New York Times: “In Mexico, Greed Kills Fish by the Seaful“
- April 7: Victoria Advocate: “Technology blamed for fish decline” by Bijal P. Trivedi
- March 14: Irish Times: “Something fishy about the figures” by Dr William Reville
- March 14: The new West Indian: “Déclin de la pêche mondiale“
- March 13: Vineyard Gazette: “Studies Show Collapsing Fishery Wasteland” by Mark Alan Lovewell
- February 25: Vancouver Sun: “Declining fish stocks demand urgent action“
- February 23: Vancouver Sun: “Earthweek – A Diary of the Planet“
- February 22: Victoria Times Colonist: “Earthweek – A Diary of the Planet“
- February 21: agwelt.de: “Fischbestände des Nordatlantiks bedroht” by Franz
- February 20: Publico: “Ciências Pescas no Atlântico Norte podem entrar em colapso em 2025” by Ana Fernandes
- February 20: Eleftheria Trikalwn (Freedom of Trikala): “Sandwich with jellyfish. Fish stocks of North Atlantic will have been collapsed by the year 2010“
- February 18: Berliner Morgenpost: “Experten: Nordatlantik katastrophal leergefischt“
- February 18: Le Figaro: “Le poisson disparaît de l’Atlantique Nord” by Jean-Michel Bader
- February 18: Financial Times: “International Economy: Fish stocks face global collapse” by Clive Cookson
- February 18: meiBerlin: “Nordatlantik völlig überfischt“
- February 18: National Post: “Cut fleet numbers to help fish stocks recover: study“
- February 18: National Post: “Get ready for jellyfish sandwiches, scientists warn” by Margaret Munro
- February 18: Vancouver Sun: “Fish Stocks in Dire Straits: B.C. scientists” by Michael Smith
- February 17: Boston Globe: “N. Atlantic fish stocks fading, study finds” by Beth Daley
- February 17: Calgary Herald: “Fish species facing extinction: Scientists losing battle to manage stocks” by Michael Smith
- February 17: Financial Times: “Fish stocks face global collapse” by Clive Cookson
- February 17: Halifax Daily News: “Atlantic fishing fleets must be cut — study: Jellyfish may soon be the only thing left to catch
- February 17: Portland Press Herald: “Scientists urge huge reduction in North Atlantic fishing fleet
- February 17: St Johns Telegram: “Fish collapse spans Atlantic: New study calls for fleet reduction“
- February 17: Toronto Star: “Fish Stocks Facing Collapse“
- February 16: La Presse: “Le poisson disparaît de l’Atlantique Nord“
- February 16: Wissenschaft: “Nordatlantik bald leergefischt?“
- February 16: Washington Post: “North Atlantic fishery collapsing” by Michael Smith
- January 7: New York Times: “Troubled Seas“
- January 2: The San Francisco Examiner: “Tackling the tough stuff” by Patricia Unterman
- January/February: Ocean Update: “Study provides evidence of declines in global fisheries since late 80s” by Kieran Mulvaney
2002 Magazine Coverage
- December 12: L’Usine Nouvelle: “Faut-il Baisser Fortement les Quotas de Pêche?” by Jean Meilhaud
- November 25: Time: “Is Fish Farming Safe?” by Terry McCarthy
- October 18: National Fisherman: “Alone and Skewered” by Jerry Fraser
- October 17: Nature: “How many more fish in the sea?” by Quirin Schiermeier
- October (No. 14): Fishing in Europe: “Rekindling rationality back into fisheries“
- September 9: Newsweek: “Africa’s Lost Fish“
- August: Australasian Science: “Global Warming is Good (If You Like Calamari)“
- July/August: La Recherche: “Quand le poisson vient à manquer…” by Daniel Pauly, Reg Watson, et Villy Christensen
- July 13: New Scientist: “West Africa’s fish stocks collapse“
- May 27: Der Spiegel Online: “Fische in Seenot” by Philip Bethge
- May: Biodiversity: “Huge subsidies destroying Earth’s marine fisheries“
- April/May: Ocean Update: “North Atlantic Study Claims Food Fish Catches Have Declined by Half Despite Tripled Fishing Effort…“
- April 30: Fishing Boat World: “China’s Fishing Fleet Facing Massive Reduction“
- April 30: Scientific American: “Data Points: Fish Tales“
- April 19: Science: “Going to the Edge to Protect the Sea” by David Malakoff
- April: UBC Grad Tidings: “Fisheries Centre Researchers Make Waves“
- March/April: American Scientist: “Skewed Skepticism“
- March 4: Business Week: “Overfishing Threatens the North Atlantic’s Future“
- February 26: National Geographic: “Cold War Technology Helps Deplete Ocean Fisheries” by D.L. Parsell
- February 25: National Geographic: “Cold war military technologies have devastated global fish populations” by Bijal P. Trivedi
- February 22: Environmental Science & Technology: “Fish Food Facts” by Kellyn Bett
- February 21: The Economist: “Dead in the water“
- February 18: NewScientist: “Complete collapse of North Atlantic fishing predicted” by Kurt Kleiner
- January 21: Newsweek: “China’s statistics are fishier than their oceans” by Adam Piore and Paul Mooney
2002 Miscellaneous Media
- July 3: ENS News: “West African Fish Stocks Halved by Foreign Fleets“
- July 1: Le Soleil: “Surexploitation des ressources halieutiques : des experts sonnent l’alerte” by Aliou Ba
- June 28: WWF Italia: “L’allarme è stato lanciato oggi, nel corso di una conferenza stampa che si è tenuta a Dakar“
- April 19: Science: “Daniel Pauly Profile: Going to the edge to protect the sea” by David Malakoff
- February 20: SynEarth: “Fish Catches Have Declined by Half“
- February 18: Environment News Service: “High Tech Methods Decimating Fish Populations” by Cat Lazaroff
- February 18: Florida Museum of Natural History: “High Tech Methods Decimating Fish Populations“
- February 18: FutureTalk: “Complete collapse of North Atlantic fishing predicted” by Kurt Kleiner
- February 18: Jubilee Press Review: “Global fish stocks” from the Financial Times
- February 18: Weekly Whale News: “Quallensandwiches“
- February 18: n-tv.de: “Leere Meere: Nordatlantik überfischt“
- February 18: Science Daily: “Researchers Reveal Massive Reduction In Productivity Of The North Atlantic“
- February 16: BBC News: “Fish ‘massacre’ in North Atlantic” by Jonathan Amos
- February 16: SeaWeb: North Atlantic study reveals food fish catches have declined by half – despite tripled fishing effort by Jessica Brown
- February 16: Earth Crash Earth Spirit: “Scientists warn current rate of overfishing in the North Atlantic will result in an ocean-wide collapse within 10 years, leaving nothing but jellyfish and plankton“
- February 16: Eureka Alert!: “North Atlantic study reveals food fish catches have declined by half – despite tripled fishing effort“
- February 16: World Wildlife Fund: “Northwest Atlantic Ocean Needs More Protection“
- February: American Association for the Advancement of Science: “Massive Decrease in North Atlantic Fish, Researchers Report” by Coimbra Sirica
- February: American Cetacean Society: “Complete Collapse of North Atlantic Fisheries Predicted“
- February: New Zealand Federation of Freshwater Anglers: “Let the big one get away“
- February: Sustainable Development International: “North Atlantic Study Reveals Food Fish Catches Have Declined by Half“
- January 5: Vecernjilist: “Zanimljivosti o ljudskom mozgu“
- January: Seafood: “Global supply of seafood in question” by Steven Hedlund
2002 Radio & TV Interviews
August 8 | Radio-Canada | Sustainability of World Fisheries | Daniel Pauly | |||
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June 15 and 16 | Earth and Sky | Marine Biomass and Marine Protected Areas | Daniel Pauly | Real Player (Full transcriptavailable) |
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February 23 | Epress.ca | “The effects of our past and current fishing practices on the future of the fisheries industry.” | Reg Watson | 18:22 | ||
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February 22 | Discovery Channel | “Biomass reductions in the North Atlantic on Discovery Canada;” with Jay Ingram (6.9 MB file 2:50 to download on 56.6 kbps modem; ) |
Daniel Pauly | 6:14 | Windows Media file (Alternate linkavailable) |
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February 21 | CBC This Morning | “A new study from the University of British Columbia says the commercial fishing industry is fast on its way to wiping out all the food fish in the sea” with Sheila Rogers (77 MB file) |
Reg Watson | 14:55 | . wav file | |
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February 20 | Weather Network | “R. Watson and the effects of weather on fisheries” with Oga Nwobosi (2 MB) ( 2.1 MB file) |
Reg Watson | 1:50 | Windows Media file |