- December 28: CT Now: “The dangers of bad fish accounting” by Reg Watson
- December 26: Baltimore Sun: “Overfishing could lead to future without fishermen” by Joshua Reichert
- December 26: Victoria Times: “Troubling questions on fisheries”
- December 20: Bangor Daily News (OpEd): “Bad fish accounting revealed” by Reg Watson
- December 18: China Daily: “Fishery statistics accusation challenged” by Qin Chuan
- December 18: Muzi: “China on Tuesday rejected a report by Canadian researchers that it has overreported fishing catches“
- December 18: People’s Daily: “Statistics for China’s Fishing Output Credible: Official“
- December 18: Spanish.peopledaily.com: “Estadísticas sobre la producción pesquera de China“
- December 18: UN Wire: “Official Disputes Accusation Of Misreported Fish Catches“
- December 18: Xinhua News Agency: “Fishery Statistics Accusation Challenged“
- December 17: Business Week: “Innovations” by Otis Port
- December 16: St John’s Telegram: “Letting the big one get away” by David Suzuki
- December 12: Associated Press: “Treaty setting standards for fishing on high seas takes effect” by John Heilprin
- December 12: LA Times: “Fishing treaty takes effect” by John Heilprin
- December 12: San Francisco Chronicle: “A future without fish? World’s commercial fisheries must reverse course or face extinction” by Joshua S. Reicher
- December 5: Vancouver Sun: “Fisheries reports deserve wide public debate” by Joshua Reichert
- December 4: The Columbian: “Empty oceans” by Michael Zuzel
- December 4: ITN: “UNESCO oceans conference underway in Paris” by Ken Coons
- December 3: Greenwire: “Fisheries: Worldwide catches declining in spite of UN estimates” report by Damon Franz
- December 3: Washington Post: “Fish Catch Reports Questioned” by Rob Stein
- December 2: Augusta Chronicle: “Ocean fish catches have declined dramatically” by John Helprin
- December 2: Liberation (Paris): “Le poisson chinois fausse le filet de pêche mondial” by Sylvie Briet / Denis Delbecq
- December 1: International Herald Tribune: “China’s whopper of a fish tale” by Erik Eckholm
- December 1: The Sydney Morning Herald: “Size of the catch turned out to be fishy” by Erik Eckholm
- December 1: The Times-Picayune: “China’s whopper
- November 30: New York Times: Study says bad data by China inflated global fishing yields by Erik Eckholm
- November 30: The Age: “Statistics on catches fishy, say scientists” by Claire Miller
- November 30: New York Times: “Study says bad data by China inflated global fishing yields” by Erik Eckholm
- November 30: South China Morning Post: “Over-reporting by China ‘hides declining catches’” by Ray Cheung
- November 30: Wissenschaft: “Kurz gemeldt: Fischerei belastet Fischbestand stärker als vermutet” by Brigitte Kranz
- November 29: BBC News Asia Pacific: “China’s fishy figures belie state of world’s oceans” by Amy Carter
- November 29: Calgary Herald: “Chinese catch figures seem fishy to analysts“
- November 29: Cosmiverse News: “Global fish stock is falling“
- November 29: Edmonton Journal: “World’s fish stocks inflated due to China’s reporting, researchers say: False figures leading to overfishing” by Cassandra Szklarski
- November 29: Grist: Untitled
- November 29: Halifax Daily News Briefs: “Study: China inflates fish numbers“
- November 29: The Indepdendent: “China’s fishy tale puts global food supply in danger” by Charles Arthur
- November 29: The Olympian: “Study: Misreporting masks decline in fish catches“
- November 29: National Post: “British Columbia: Fish stocks overstated: report“
- November 29: The Record: “China skewing global catch?” by John Heilprin
- November 29: St Johns Telegram: “False reporting exaggerates fish stocks: study” by Cassandra Szklarski
- November 29: South Coast Today: “Chinese report hid dramatic decline in ocean fish stock” by John Heilprin
- November 29: Tampa Tribune Online: “China’s inflated numbers distort worldwide fish statistics” by John Heilprin
- November 29: The Toronto Star: “Fishy data puts China on hook“
- November 29: Vancouver Province: “Study: China falsifying fish figures“
- November 29: Vancouver Sun: “China accused of distorting fish catch data” by Larry Pynn
- November 29: Victoria Times Colonist: “China faking fishery numbers, researchers say“
- November 29: The Wall Street Journal: “World Fisheries Statistics“
- November 28: Agence France Presse: “Fish stocks: The future is the net“
- November 28: Associated Press: “Fewer fish are being caught” by John Heilprin
- November 28: Associated Press State: “Global fish catches declining” by John Heilprin
- November 28: Associated Press State and Local Wire: “Chinese misreporting masks decline in ocean fish catches” by John Heilprin
- November 28: Associated Press Worldstream: “Chinese misreporting masks decline in ocean fish catches” by John Heilprin
- November 28: Boston Globe: “Study provides startling evidence of declines in global fisheries ” from Ascribe Newswire
- November 28: Canadian Press Newsire: “Fish stocks greatly exaggerated by false reporting from China” by Cassandra Szklarski
- November 28: Desert News: “China masking trends in ocean-catch decline“; Associated Press
- November 28: Muzi: “Global fish catches declining” by John Heilprin
- November 28: MSNBC: “China, UN challenged over fish” by Miguel Llanos
- November 28: RPW Broadcast News: “Overreported – Fish“
- November 28: Sacramento Bee: “Slippery statistics mask declining worldwide fish populations” by John Heilprin
- November 28: WorldCatch News Network: “Chinese misreporting masks decline in ocean resources“; Associated Press
- November 27: St Johns Telegram: “Scientists gather for conference on resource sustainability” by Ken Thomas
- October 1: Le Figaro: “Le poisson chinois fausse le filet de pêche mondial” by Yves Miserey
- February 20: La Presse.ca: “La pêche au bord de l’effondrement partout sur la planète” by Mathieu Perrault
Category: Media Coverage
2001 Magazine Coverage
December 10: US News & World Report: “All the fish in China” by Thomas Hayden
December 6: International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development: “New Study Reveals Underreporting Of Fish Catch Decline
December 1: New Scientist: “Fish out of water” by Mark Schrope
December 1: Science News: “Fishy data hid decline in global catchDecember 1: University of New Hampshire Alumnus News: “UNH dean suspects China’s inflated catches mask overfishing
November 29: Economist: “Fishy figures” by Natasha Loder
November 29: Nature: “Global fisheries: Stock taking
November 29: Nature: “Catch figures fishy” by Helen Pearson
2001 Miscellaneous Media
- December 26: China Internet Information Centre: “Fischfangstatistiken entsprechen der Richtigkeit“
- December 20: Fish Chain: “[China] Statistics for China’s Fishing Output Credible: Official” (Korean versionhere)
- December 19: China Interreta Informa Centro: “Statistiko pri fishkvanto de Chinio estas fidinda“
- December 18: China-Project.com: “Fishery statistics accusation challenged“
- December 18: Chinese Embassy: “Fishing Statistics “Basically Correct,” Ministry Says“
- December 18: ESPN Outdoors: “China rejects report of masking catches” by Joe McDonald
- December 17: NetEase: Chinese Rebuttal
- December 17: Worldcatch News Network: “China disputes claim it overreports fish catch“
- December 15: Access Asia: “You should have seen the one that got away…!“
- December 14: Icelandic Fisheries Laboratories: “Fréttir Rf“
- December 12: CNews: “Letting the big one get away” by David Suzuki
- December 12: European Water Management: “Over-reporting of Global Fisheries Catch Means Overfishing Problems are Worse than Feared“
- December 11: IUCN: “New study reveals underreporting of fish catch decline“
- December 8: Brainerdispatch.com: “China misreporting masks decline in fish catches“
- December 7: edie news: “Over-reporting of global fisheries catch mean overfishing problems are worse than feared“
- December 7: Global Environment and Trade Study: “Inflated Chinese Fisheries Data Masks Global Fish Decline”
- December 6: Oceanspace: “Canadian Scientists Blame China for Overfishing Errors“
- December 5: SciTecLibrary: “Study in Nature provides startling new evidence of declines in global fisheries since late ’80’s’“
- December 4: Angling News: “Wild fish in danger zone – overfishing must stop” by Knut Eirik Olsen
- December 4: pl.net: “Fish Numbers Decline Hidden By Inflation” from ens.lycos.com
- December 3: American Fisheries Society Mailing List: “Study in Nature provides startling new evidence of declines in global fisheries since late ’80’s’“
- December 3: Aquafeed news: “False Reporting Throws Doubt on FAO Fisheries Forecasts“
- December: Beach-caster.com: “Scientists predict 50% drop in global fish stocks by 2015“
- December: unknown source: “China challenges fish stocks reporting research“
- November 30: Australian Broadcasting Corporation Science Online: “Fishy stats hide global decline” by Anna Salleh
- November 30: Cowlix: “Curses, scrubbed again“
- November 30: Cyberdiver News Network: “Fish catch figures fishy“
- November 30: Earths.net: “Inflated Chinese fisheries masks global fish decline“
- November 30: Environment News: “Fishy stats hide global decline” by Anna Salleh
- November 30: Infoterra: “Study in Nature provides startling new evidence of declines in global fisheries“
- November 30: Sublegals: “World Fisheries Assessments may be Statistically Flawed“
- November 29: AnimalNET: “Global fish catches declining” by John Heilprin
- November 29: BBC News: “China blamed for over-fishing errors“
- November 29: Californiafish.org: “Chinese misreporting masks dramatic decline in ocean fish catches” by John Heilprin
- November 29: Cosmiverse: “Chinese misreporting masks dramatic decline in ocean fish catches“
- November 29: Environment News Network: “Chinese misreporting masks dramatic decline in ocean fish catches, scientists say” by John Heilprin
- November 29: Environment News Service: “Chinese misreporting masks dramatic decline in ocean fish catches, scientists say” by John Heilprin
- November 29: Environment News Service: “Inflated Chinese fisheries data masks global fish decline“
- November 29: Eparka.com: “Inflated Chinese fisheries data masks global fish decline“
- November 29: ESPN Outdoors: “World’s fish catches in dramatic decline” by John Heilprin
- November 29: Fishing Report: “U.N. data on fisheries wrong, says study that predicts decline” by John Heilprin
- November 29: Food Market Exchange: “Chinese misreporting masks dramatic decline in ocean fish catches, scientists say” by John Heilprin
- November 29: Greens NZ Regional Report for fourth week of Nov. 2001: “Inflated Chinese Fisheries Data Masks Global Fish Decline“
- November 29: Maldives Culture: “Catch figures fishy” by Helen Pearson
- November 29: MarineConservation.net: “World Fisheries in Dramatic and Unexpected Decline“
- November 29: PlaNet: “Fish numbers decline hidden by inflation“
- November 29: PlanetSave.com: “Crisis in world fish stocks“
- November 29: Probe International’s Three Gorges Dam Campaign: “Study says bad data by China inflated global fishing yields” by Eric Eckholm
- November 29: Quick Frozen Foods International News: “Something Fishy About Fishery Figures“
- November 29: Wildlife Action Group: “Chinese misreporting masks dramatic decline in ocean fish catches, scientists say” by John Heilprin
- November 28: Coastal and Marine Resources Newswire Mailinglist: “Study in Nature Provides Startling New Evidence of Declines in Global Fisheries Since Late ‘80’s“
- November 28: Earth Crash Earth Spirit “Study finds global seafood catch dramatically declined by almost 800 million pounds per year during 1990s, raising troubling questions about the long-term impacts of overfishing and the world’s future food supply.”
- November 28: EurekAlert: “Study in Nature Provides Startling New Evidence of Declines in Global Fisheries Since Late ‘80’s“
- November 28: Garden State EnvironNet: “Slippery statistics mask declining worldwide fish population” by John Heilprin
- November 28: King5.com: “Chinese misreporting masks decline in ocean fish catches“
- November 28: Natural Resources Defense Council: “NRDC Calls for Prompt Ratification and Implementation of International Fishing Treaty; Citing New Study of Worldwide Fisheries Decline” Statement of Lisa Speer
- November 28: NBC Miami, ecowatch Online: “UN overestimates world fish count” by Jeff Burnside
- November 28: NorthWest Cable News: “Chinese misreporting masks decline in ocean fish catches“
- November 28: West Coast Seafood Processors Association: “Response to Nature report on catch statistics” by Rod Moore
- November 28: Yahoo News: “Fish stocks greatly exaggerated by false reporting from China, study finds” by Cassandra Szklarski, Canadian Press Newswire
- November 28: Yahoo News: “Global Fish Catches Declining” by John Heilprin
- November 28: YourNews: “Valse cijfers China maskeren dramatische daling visstand“
- Date unknown: Enel: “Pesci in declino“
- Date unknown: Marine Environment News: “China Blamed For Over-Fishing Errors“
- Date unknown: Marine Fish Conservation Network: “Study in Nature Provides Startling New Evidence of Declines in Global Fisheries Since Late 80’s“
- Date unknown: Ready Meals: “China’s Fishy Tale Endangers Global Food Supply..” by Charles Arthur
- Date unknown: Recreational Fishing Alliance: “Chinese reporting masks decline in ocean resources“
- Date unknown: Sport Fishing Online: “Vast over-reporting by China to United Nations has masked falling catches”
2001 Radio & TV Interviews
December 3 | Fairchild Radio (AM 1479) | Daniel Pauly | ||||
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December | CBC NewsWorld | “R. Watson discussing global distortions of reported catch” with Kathleen Perry (4.8 MB file) |
Reg Watson | 4:12 | Windows Media file | |
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November 30: | Fairchild Radio (AM 1479) | Daniel Pauly | ||||
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November 29 | Australian Broadcasting Corporation Radio | “China’s overstatement masks decline in global fish stocks” by Simon Lauder (19 MB file) |
Reg Watson | 3:40 | wav file. (Transcriptavailable.) | |
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November 29 | National Public Radio’s Morning Edition | “Controversy over the world’s fishing stocks” by David Kestenbaum | Daniel Pauly | |||
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Date unknown | NBC Miami, Ecowatch | Daniel Pauly | ||||
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Date unknown | Empty Oceans, Empty Nets | No title | Daniel Pauly | Transcript only |
2000 Magazine Coverage
Pauly, D., V. Christensen, R. Froese and M.L.D. Palomares. 2000. Fishing down aquatic food webs.American Scientist. 88: 46-51.
1999 Newspaper Coverage
- November 5: Vancouver Sun: “Looking for bigger fish to fry: An American foundation has granted UBC biologist Daniel Pauly $3 million to ascertain the effect of current fisheries practices on our oceans, and how to restore abundance” by Nancy Baron
- August 9: Vancouver Sun: “Contracts“
- July 24: Vancouver Sun: “Environment: UBC fisheries prof gets $2.1-million grant“