- Dec 9: LA Times: “Fish farms become feedlots of the sea” by Kenneth R. Weiss
- Dec 4: La Presse: “Zones sinistrées” by Jean-Marc Salvet
- Nov 16: Dagens Nyheter: “Last chance for cod” by Per Snaprud
- Nov 16: Le Soleil/La Presse: “Ultime solution : fermer une partie des océans” by Carl Thériault
- Nov 2: Le Devoir: “Gestion des pêches – Les océans sont-ils au bord de l’abîme?” by Claude Lafleur
- July 24: El Pais: “La pesca destruye la relación entre las especies“ by Alicia Rivera
- July 15: Le Figaro: “L’Europe écume les eaux africaines“, by Yves Miserey
- July 9: European Policy Centre: “Fisheries in trouble“
- July 9: Les Echos: “Le casse-tête de la politique commune de la pêche“ by Anne Bauer
- July 1: Le Soleil: “Surexploitation de nos ressources halieutiques” by Aliou Ba
- June 25: World Wildlife Fund: “The European Union must prevent a catastrophic collapse of West African fish stocks“
- June 25: Le Soleil: “Pêches maritimes, écosystemes et sociétés: le poids d’un demi-siècle de changements” by Moustapha Sene
- May 29: EU Business : “EU’s Fishing Crisis: The dark night of the shoal” by Richard Ingham and Annick Chapoy
- May 24: Green Nature: “Study: China Overreporting Fish Catches” by Stephanie Mann
- May 6: Le Figaro: “Le poisson disparaît de l’Atlantique Nord” by Jean-Michel Bader
- April 17: Worldcatch: “Scientists urge huge reduction in North Atlantic fishing fleet“; Portland Press Herald
- April 10: New York Times: “In Mexico, Greed Kills Fish by the Seaful“
- April 7: Victoria Advocate: “Technology blamed for fish decline” by Bijal P. Trivedi
- March 14: Irish Times: “Something fishy about the figures” by Dr William Reville
- March 14: The new West Indian: “Déclin de la pêche mondiale“
- March 13: Vineyard Gazette: “Studies Show Collapsing Fishery Wasteland” by Mark Alan Lovewell
- February 25: Vancouver Sun: “Declining fish stocks demand urgent action“
- February 23: Vancouver Sun: “Earthweek – A Diary of the Planet“
- February 22: Victoria Times Colonist: “Earthweek – A Diary of the Planet“
- February 21: agwelt.de: “Fischbestände des Nordatlantiks bedroht” by Franz
- February 20: Publico: “Ciências Pescas no Atlântico Norte podem entrar em colapso em 2025” by Ana Fernandes
- February 20: Eleftheria Trikalwn (Freedom of Trikala): “Sandwich with jellyfish. Fish stocks of North Atlantic will have been collapsed by the year 2010“
- February 18: Berliner Morgenpost: “Experten: Nordatlantik katastrophal leergefischt“
- February 18: Le Figaro: “Le poisson disparaît de l’Atlantique Nord” by Jean-Michel Bader
- February 18: Financial Times: “International Economy: Fish stocks face global collapse” by Clive Cookson
- February 18: meiBerlin: “Nordatlantik völlig überfischt“
- February 18: National Post: “Cut fleet numbers to help fish stocks recover: study“
- February 18: National Post: “Get ready for jellyfish sandwiches, scientists warn” by Margaret Munro
- February 18: Vancouver Sun: “Fish Stocks in Dire Straits: B.C. scientists” by Michael Smith
- February 17: Boston Globe: “N. Atlantic fish stocks fading, study finds” by Beth Daley
- February 17: Calgary Herald: “Fish species facing extinction: Scientists losing battle to manage stocks” by Michael Smith
- February 17: Financial Times: “Fish stocks face global collapse” by Clive Cookson
- February 17: Halifax Daily News: “Atlantic fishing fleets must be cut — study: Jellyfish may soon be the only thing left to catch
- February 17: Portland Press Herald: “Scientists urge huge reduction in North Atlantic fishing fleet
- February 17: St Johns Telegram: “Fish collapse spans Atlantic: New study calls for fleet reduction“
- February 17: Toronto Star: “Fish Stocks Facing Collapse“
- February 16: La Presse: “Le poisson disparaît de l’Atlantique Nord“
- February 16: Wissenschaft: “Nordatlantik bald leergefischt?“
- February 16: Washington Post: “North Atlantic fishery collapsing” by Michael Smith
- January 7: New York Times: “Troubled Seas“
- January 2: The San Francisco Examiner: “Tackling the tough stuff” by Patricia Unterman
- January/February: Ocean Update: “Study provides evidence of declines in global fisheries since late 80s” by Kieran Mulvaney