- July 3: ENS News: “West African Fish Stocks Halved by Foreign Fleets“
- July 1: Le Soleil: “Surexploitation des ressources halieutiques : des experts sonnent l’alerte” by Aliou Ba
- June 28: WWF Italia: “L’allarme è stato lanciato oggi, nel corso di una conferenza stampa che si è tenuta a Dakar“
- April 19: Science: “Daniel Pauly Profile: Going to the edge to protect the sea” by David Malakoff
- February 20: SynEarth: “Fish Catches Have Declined by Half“
- February 18: Environment News Service: “High Tech Methods Decimating Fish Populations” by Cat Lazaroff
- February 18: Florida Museum of Natural History: “High Tech Methods Decimating Fish Populations“
- February 18: FutureTalk: “Complete collapse of North Atlantic fishing predicted” by Kurt Kleiner
- February 18: Jubilee Press Review: “Global fish stocks” from the Financial Times
- February 18: Weekly Whale News: “Quallensandwiches“
- February 18: n-tv.de: “Leere Meere: Nordatlantik überfischt“
- February 18: Science Daily: “Researchers Reveal Massive Reduction In Productivity Of The North Atlantic“
- February 16: BBC News: “Fish ‘massacre’ in North Atlantic” by Jonathan Amos
- February 16: SeaWeb: North Atlantic study reveals food fish catches have declined by half – despite tripled fishing effort by Jessica Brown
- February 16: Earth Crash Earth Spirit: “Scientists warn current rate of overfishing in the North Atlantic will result in an ocean-wide collapse within 10 years, leaving nothing but jellyfish and plankton“
- February 16: Eureka Alert!: “North Atlantic study reveals food fish catches have declined by half – despite tripled fishing effort“
- February 16: World Wildlife Fund: “Northwest Atlantic Ocean Needs More Protection“
- February: American Association for the Advancement of Science: “Massive Decrease in North Atlantic Fish, Researchers Report” by Coimbra Sirica
- February: American Cetacean Society: “Complete Collapse of North Atlantic Fisheries Predicted“
- February: New Zealand Federation of Freshwater Anglers: “Let the big one get away“
- February: Sustainable Development International: “North Atlantic Study Reveals Food Fish Catches Have Declined by Half“
- January 5: Vecernjilist: “Zanimljivosti o ljudskom mozgu“
- January: Seafood: “Global supply of seafood in question” by Steven Hedlund